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Zavod CDK je nevladna in nepridobitna organizacija. Opravlja dejavnost strokovnih nalog,. Ki se nanašajo na pomoč ljudem pri osebni rasti in. Posvečamo se vseživljenjski vzgoji in izobraževanju. Poleg formalne in poklicne izobrazbe potrebuje sodobni človek. Za boljšo kulturo odnosov,. Za razumevanje in ustrezno izražanje čustev,. Za razvoj ustvarjalnih potencialov,. Za boljše sodelovanje in večjo solidarnost,.
First published in May 2011. The reference list from the book with links to online texts where available. Detailed teaching slides for the majority of chapters. A set of laboratory projects. The full contents list from the book. The text of the preface to the book. Photo and short biographies of the authors.
These pages are currently under construction and have been visited. Times since February 11, 1999. Please keep checking back as it will be updated often.
George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore and Tim Kindberg. Superseded by the Fifth Edition. Welcome to the website for the fourth edition of our book. You can access the material on this site via the tabs across the top of this panel. Try hovering the mouse over a tab to find out more about where it will take you. Tree Matters Home Page - North London Tree Surgeons. Page hits since May 2005.